16 Days of Activism 2024
The global 16 Days of Activism is an international campaign to end violence against women and girls (VAWG). The campaign runs every year from 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women to 10 December, Human Rights Day.
This year we are holding a series of events throughout the period with workshops, in person advice stalls and talks in collaboration with range of local support services and agencies.
Ealing invites everyone to join this campaign by signing up and attending events during the 16 days. Click here for the calendar of events.
A Safer Ealing for Women is Possible
A Safer Ealing for Women is Possible
Join us in tackling Male Violence Against Women and Girls and making Ealing a safe, fair and inclusive place where everyone is welcome.

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger or in need of urgent protection, call the police on 999.

We should all be equipped with the skills and knowledge to understand VAWG issues, easily access advice/support and have the confidence to challenge misogyny.

Forms of Domestic Abuse and MVAWG
Women and girls’ experiences of abuse and violence are not the same – they can be shaped by other identities and characteristics.

The impact of Domestic Abuse
Experiencing domestic abuse can cause physical and mental health issues that persist long after the abuse stops.

Where to get help?
There are many organisations both nationally and locally offering specialist advice and support.

Supporting someone who has been abused
By spotting the signs and having the confidence, you can support someone who is experiencing abuse.

Want to report something? Visit Street Safe >
Staying Safe / Practical Advice
We’ve put together some suggestions you might want to consider in order to make yourself as safe as possible.
Our Partners
Across Ealing there are a number of support services available to help in making the right decisions for you.