16 Days of Activism 2024
The global 16 Days of Activism is an international campaign to end violence against women and girls (VAWG). The campaign runs every year from
25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women to 10 December, Human Rights Day.
This year we are challenging violence against women and girls in all it’s forms, including abuse against survivors of all genders and identities. We are holding and promoting a calendar of events throughout the period with workshops, in person advice stalls and talks in collaboration with ForwardUK, Advance, CGL, Galop, EHCVS, Southall Community Alliance, the Police and a range of council services.
Ealing invites everyone to join this campaign by signing up and attending events during the 16 days from our calendar below. This calendar will be updated with further details and events as they become available.
Most events are open to all residents, professionals and those who live and work in Ealing (age 16+). Some events are only open to voluntary/community sector (VCS) organisations and/or professionals and this is highlighted in the calendar.
For information on local Ealing support services, please visit the Services in Ealing page.